The mission of Spirit of the Unicorn is to share in the magic that is our beautiful world so that we can reclaim our joy and innocence once again.
By sharing our stories of the magic in our world we can complete a journey back to our childhood selves. This return to magic and joy completes a cycle that initially put us on a path of strife and suffering. The challenges we faced during that harsh phase prepared us for this moment. After all, it is a hero’s journey, not for the faint of heart, and one which can only end with a return to who we really are. Our world depends on us completing this mission.
David, the founder of this website (see image below), has traveled many lands, and much to his surprise, found himself immersed in magical experiences. One of these experiences was meeting a wise sage who happened to embody the spirit of a Unicorn. Unicorns are magical animals that hold the purest light frequency on our planet. Their real role is to move out in front of us to clear a path to joy and happiness. Hence, in honor of this beautiful being, the Spirit of the Unicorn website got its name.
It was these experiences with the Unicorn that brought David back to his younger self, and led him to conclude that our journey back home to ourselves is the most important mission that we can undertake.
We hope you enjoy the content and offerings here at the Spirit of the Unicorn…

David’s first book! Click on the link to order the paperback or Kindle version of ‘Where Heaven and Earth Meet’! https://www.amazon.com/WHERE-HEAVEN-EARTH-MEET-Remembrance/dp/B0C47YKST7/ref=sr_1_18?crid=37IVU1MWWR0RO&keywords=where+heaven+and+earth+meet&qid=1683841837&sprefix=where+heaven+and+earth+meet%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-18
SHOP SpiritoftheUnicorn.com!
The Guided Grounding MeditationÂ
David, the Founder of Spirit of the Unicorn channeled this meditation that is designed to ensure you are grounded into Mother Earth. Being grounded allows you to be more present to others and less reactive, and to receive accurate information from your guidance more easily. This meditation is a great way to start your day.
Includes a 3 page pdf file of the copyrighted full length written meditation transcript. Plus, an introduction and suggested preparation prior to meditating, along with a separate digital MP3 audio file of the meditation recited by David (length 10 min. 18 sec). All sent to you via email after your purchase. The cost for the 3 page pdf file and the MP3 audio file is $22.22 (tax included). Click on the Buy Now button below this description to order today! Please allow 2 days delivery to your inbox.Â
I hope you enjoy this powerful, unique, original meditation to ground you in Mother Earth!

The Guided Clearing Meditation
This channeled meditation by David is designed to ensure you are free of all energy, including emotional energy around other people, and all irrational fears and anxiety. Being clear of all things that don’t serve you allows you to feel freer and be able to enjoy life on a higher level day to day. You also can experience more energy and joy. This meditation is a great way to start your day, especially when paired with grounding and protection meditations.
Includes a 3 page pdf file of the copyrighted full length written meditation transcript. Plus, an introduction and suggested preparation prior to meditating, along with a separate digital MP3 audio file of the meditation recited by David (length 13 min. 22 sec). All sent to you via email after your purchase. The cost for the 3 page pdf file and the MP3 audio file is $22.22 (tax included). Click on the Buy Now button below this description to order today! Please allow 2 days delivery to your inbox.Â
I hope you enjoy this powerful, unique, original meditation to help you feel clear of all things that don’t serve you!

The Grove of Trees Protection Meditation
This meditation is designed to help protect you by connecting to your supportive and protective guides on the other side of the veil. You have angels and guides that you can call on anytime and ask to keep you safe.The guided protection meditation takes place in a grove of redwood trees, which are also protective.
This meditation is a great way to start your day, especially when paired with grounding and clearing meditations.
Includes a 4 page pdf file of the copyrighted full length written meditation transcript. Plus, an introduction and suggested preparation prior to meditating, along with a separate digital MP3 audio file of the meditation recited by David (length 9 min 5 sec. ). All sent to you via email after your purchase. The cost for the 4 page pdf file and the MP3 audio file is $22.22 (tax included). Click on the Buy Now button below this description to order today! Please allow 2 days delivery to your inbox.Â
I hope you enjoy this powerful, unique, original meditation to help you feel clear of all things that don’t serve you!

The Three Meditations Bundle
Buy all 3 of the above meditations together for $55.55 (price if bought separately, $66.66), for a savings of $11.11 (~18%)
The Grounding Meditation
The Clearing Meditation
The Grove of Trees Protection Meditation
This includes 3 separate mp3 audio files (one for each meditation) and 3 of the complete pdfs, (one for each meditation).

Email Question Answered
David will answer any question you have that is pressing in your life. Are you interested in finding your soul mate? Are you in a challenging situation and want some guidance about the way forward? Are you in a transition and want to understand why, and how you can be supported through all of this? Are you making a major decision in your life and want some help? David can be invaluable in helping and supporting you. He dives into the Akashic records and in the practical realms to find deep responses that can inspire, put you at ease, or find a solution you can be happy about. Please give this a try. You will be glad you did.
Just click the ‘Get Answers’ button, pay the service cost ($20.00) and then email your question to David at earthman1555@gmail.com. David will try his best to get back to you within 2 days.
If you want a deeper reading about anything in your life, you can sign up for a session with David (see the Intuitive Guidance section below). Just scroll down on this page and click on ‘Book a Session’. It will lead you to a page to sign up and a calendar to schedule a day and time to meet, either over the phone or a zoom session.

Thank you!
“David is a wonderful healer. I was blessed to find him online as I live in Ireland. He has a soulful connection to our land and our ancestors. I have found amazing healing from him. He took the time to listen and guide me in my journey. He intuited my connection to water and it’s healing aspect. I’ve always been drawn to blessed wells without knowing why … He could see my gift of healing with water and I’ve since taken time to truly appreciate this gift. He also connected me with the energy of trees, particularly a mound of trees in the land near me. He taught me many things about the spirit of the land and water and how to invite the help of my Celtic ancestry. To commune with these spirits has been a joy and brought great peace to me. I thank him for this great work, and I’m forever thankful for his kindness to me.” Edel Mooney, County Wicklow, Ireland
“David went above and beyond with my spiritual reading. His reading confirmed the direction I have wanted to be heading in my life, as well as providing valuable insight into my past lives. I believe this is just the beginning of my journey into spiritual liberation and I am so grateful for the time and energy David provided to me.” Brea Null, Prescott, AZÂ US
“My readings with David have been deeply healing, his vision allowing me to be more compassionate to my journey as he reveals the complexity and grandeur of my own being. The simple rituals and ceremonies he prescribed continue to inspire and change my life.” Tesa Idell, Pocono Mts., PA US
NEW Journeys for 2024!!
We journey to ancient, sacred sites in the United States, Ireland, Scotland, England and beyond. These sites are ‘Islands of the Future’. Ken Carey, noted author of ‘The Starseed Transmissions’ and ‘The Return of the Bird Tribes’, coined this term to define places on earth where magnetic and vibrational energy activates our personal and collective healing and awakening.

The Mystical Isles of Scotland Tour ~September 10-18, 2024
Greetings ALL! Ever since the Autumn Equinox of Sept. 2022, the world has moved on from some very deep wounding and old paradigms (David calls this the paradigm of victim-perpetrator-savior) to face a new and brighter reality! Yes, of course, there will always be residual darkness within our world, but rest assured that we are really coming into the light now, and to celebrate, we are inviting you to join David in coming home to the magical and beautiful Isles of Iona and Skye. We will journey to these sacred and magical lands to celebrate the mystical spirits that inhabit them. There will be stories, history, and ceremonies to celebrate in establishing new personal and collective connections. You will not want to miss this joyous and life-changing celebration!!!
We begin our journey in the enchanted city of Edinburgh and travel to the Isle of Iona, followed by time at the Isle of Skye, and visits to other ancient and magical sites (information to follow). You will not want to miss this adventure of a lifetime! Click on the link below to view details of what the journey entails: https://spiritoftheunicorn.com/scotlandtour2024
Testimonial from Our Latest Sacred Tour to Mystical Isles in Scotland, September 2022
         “In September 2022, I traveled to Edinburgh and the beautiful Hebrides Islands in Scotland with David Winters. It was a life-changing experience to a magical place with an incredible guide. David intuitively received information from spirit that gave us a blueprint for healing the lands and ancestors as well as ourselves. We traveled to incredibly beautiful and powerful places for ceremony and healing. The effect of these powerful energies was profound. David is very knowledgeable, patient and kind as well as powerful, intuitive and deeply connected to spirit. He was also very flexible and open to the input of everyone in the group. I highly recommend David as a great guide to sacred sites. He is an amazing light worker, ceremonialist and healer!”
Lyn McGuffy, South Carolina

Prophets, Psychics, Druids and…. Your Future
There is a vast wealth of information about your coming life that is available on the information superhighway of Earthly telepathic grids.
This information includes where you are in your life at the moment, what your current destiny is, good or bad, and what the universe is calling you to do.

OTHERWORLDLY MIGRATIONS: Wild Animals and the Current Ecological Crisis
My dearest friends, we are reaching a stage in our planet’s evolution and history in which big changes are coming.
Remember that Change= New Life and connecting with that new life to create more change for the greater good is one of our highest goals:)
One of the tipping-point changes happening right now is the accelerating destruction of animal habitat.

There exist places, all over the Earth, that are doorways to other worlds.
These gateways of time and space open up to other dimensions. Thank the Creator for these places of magic and sanctuary, places where the veil is thin, where we can access new worlds.
Sometimes we need to get away from the world we are living in.